Krabi was the frist stop on the tour and it was by far my favorite part of the whole trip. The whole day was spent visiting Mu Kopoda by boat. The islands there were so beautiful and different from eachother. I also enjoyed the day because our boat turned into a dance party! ^_^ Music, sun, water, and friends! It was so funny when some of my friends saw and held their first sea cucumber! There were also black vana in the water alittle ways out and it reminded me of the times when Kaitlin and I would go to the beach and eat them! Good times.
I felt that most of my time was spent either on a boat or a bus for a large amount of time. The boat ride to the Similan islands took way more than three hours...more like five! We slept a Ko Si island in tents... I am so happy that I remember to bring a pillow! I really did not like the sleeping arrangments at the island, tents no sleeping bags, communal showers, rats EVERYWHERE, and giant mosquitos!!!!

At one point in the tour we went to a tourist attraction with tons of Korean tourist! Couples with their matching outfits and old couples with polo tops.
Phuket was not what I thought it would be at all in one way or another. For some reason I thought Phuket would be more of a metropolis and condensed. Instead it was spread out, small buildings, and vegetation everywhere. It was still like the rest of Thailand (excluding Bangkok and Chiang Mai) despite international popularity.